Gozo in January & February .


Christmas is over, all the activities are finished. What happens now? Is Gozo gone dead? Far from. With all the flashy decorations that tend to distract one’s vision disappeared the natural beauty of Gozo comes to the surface.
Gozo does not go to sleep. The winter here is tranquil. Nature’s regeneration is already visible to the naked eye. What one can define as a negative aspect of Gozo is, in fact, a big plus. They say that the island is now gone to sleep! Good, very good! That is the place where to escape a bit from Europe’s cold and harsh winter. The temperatures here are quite mild in comparison with the continent. The sun, never overcome, makes valiant efforts to remain protagonist in the island’s skies, often with great success.
January is the start of the period when one can enjoy the island’s nature to the full. Country walks are the best way to experience this. However, even by just going around and visiting the various attractions of the island, one gets a completely different experience. They are all there and they are the same ones that we may have appreciated throughout the clamour of our long summer, but the magic is different this time. They can be savoured calmly and peacefully, like a good glass of wine.
We can write about it, long volumes as much as we want, but nothing is going to beat the experience that one can enjoy of having the island completely to oneself during this period. Gozo in winter; Gozo in January. Why not?